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DC to DC Double Cell Phone Charger Circuit

As we know now a days the main problem is charging of a cell phone when we haven't electricity . And this problem is getting bigger when we have more than one cell phone.

So here is the circuit which can be solve our problem for charging more than One cell phone.This circuit of the double DC cell phone charger was successfully tried.The required voltages for the operating of this circuit is 12V DC from a battery source.The transistor T1 which we are using is PnP transistor.The general purpose of this transistor is power application e.g driver stages.The IC1 (7805) is a voltage regulator ic which we are using in this circuit.[Link]

Circuit Diagram : 
DC to DC Double Cell Phone Charger Circuit

Parts List

R1 = 0.1 Ohms 2 watt,

R2 = 2 Ohms 2 Watt

R3 = 3 Ohms 1 watt

C1 = 100uF/25V

C2 = 0.1 disc

T1 = BD140

D1 = 1N5408

IC1 = 7805


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