Transistor BC548B is biased inn class C operation. Every second sound cause triggering at pin 2 of 555 timer IC.
When VR1 is at maximum, the hold-on time of NE555 is around 30 seconds. But this time period can be set to a lower value by VR1, as per requirement, using the relationship.
T = 1.1*VR1*C1
Where VR1 is the actual resistance of the preset in circuit. UM66 IC has ROM memory of 64 notes which are produced one by one and then over with a sound of a clap, the timer is triggered and the output at pin 3 of IC NE555 goes high which gets applied through diode 1N4001 to pin 2 of musical IC UM66. S UM66 gets the positive supply, it starts giving electrical fluctuations of the music to the base of SL100, and the charming music comes and fed to 4-ohm speaker.
Circuit Diagram
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